Frequently asked questions

We buy appliances, furniture tools and household items. If you would like sell something to us please get in touch and some details ready for us.

Yes we accept returns but only if the item purchased from us is non-functional. If you have just changed your mind after purchasing, we will not accept any returns.

Should take no longer than 24h, however you will be notified by us if there are any issues with your order.

No, we don’t charge any handling fee.

We do not offer installation for items that require plumber, electrician etc.

At the moment we don’t offer payment by installments.

Yes, all items can viewed by appointment. So please get in touch with us and we can arrange for you to view the item into our warehouse.

Yes, all items must be in good shape and functional.

Yes, you can trade-in items.

Yes, upon acceptance to buy the item we can come and pick it up.